True, it's yet another brown floral (what is it with all the brown florals in my stash, anyway?), but not necessarily UGLY for that. I prefer to think of it as "difficult," or maybe "attractiveness-challenged."
It's been in my stash for many years, almost as long as I've been quilting. When I started quilting, my fabric purchases were all itsy ditsy floral prints. That's what I thought of as quilting fabric. How naive!
Then I must have read somewhere that it's better to choose fabrics with textural variety: little prints, big prints., stripes, plaids, etc. So I started picking up big prints, willy-nilly, without paying much attention to anything but scale. Thus all the weirdly colored florals, like this one, and my other browns, and the neon cabbage roses.
In any case, I've got a good chunk of it, about 2 yards, and it's 56 inches wide. So that's definitely enough to be a focus fabric for a quilt.
Next step: diving into my stash to pull out other fabrics that will pick up the colors (besides BROWN) in this print.